1. Wow, this is me too! I need to slow down and relish in the moment rather than rushing off to the next thing and have my thoughts consumed in what’s to come. Would love a chance to win!

  2. I feel like I’m always rushing. There is always too much to do and not enough time. I know there is a better way to find balance, but I never seem to keep hold of it.

  3. This speaks to me in so many ways. I’m always saying just a minute, but never allow my kids to say just a minute. I’ve read Becky’s previous book and it was amazing. I can’t wait to read this too!

  4. What a slap in the face….a good slap…but still a slap. I loved this and needed it so much. Adding it to my list to read this year. Hopefully I’ll win a copy. 😉

  5. Wow! What a timely message. This goes right along with what I feel like God’s been speaking to my heart. It’s painful, but I’m working on surrendering my will to receive His. Thanks, Kristin!

  6. This is me. I know for a fact I’m always rushing and on the go-go-go. I often tell myself I need to slow down…but I never actually do it. I definitely need to.

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