About the Author

I’m a Jesus lover and cheerleader helping you find Truth.

I care deeply about women actually reading the Bible. I care that the Bible is accurately understood. I care that women meet together. I care that women find the freedom in this life that Jesus offers.

Community is everything.

Because life is hard, yo. We need each other and Jesus.

Whether it’s in your neighborhood, at your church, or even online, there is a burden on my heart to encourage women to not give up meeting together.

Let us not give up the habit of meeting together, as some are doing. Instead, let us encourage one another all the more, since you see that the Day of the Lord is coming nearer. 

Hebrews 10:25

In a post-COVID world, our culture has given up meeting together. I’m here to help combat that for Jesus followers.

Cream &


First thing everyday




My Family

most important


Favorite Show

speaker. bible teacher. writer of lots of words.

These are my people … Bryant, McKenna, Meda and Rockie May. (We also have all the dogs living with us. Yes. All of them.😜)

Not having been a Christian my whole life, I have a unique perspective on the freedom and peace that Jesus offers us.

I’m a little bit of the South and the Southwest rolled into one. A freelance writer and website guru, raiser of cute puppies, ministry coordinator, mama, and not-so-domestic wifey, I am convinced “life balance” is a myth. 

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